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A song to sing

I am a bachelor, I live by myself
And I work at the weaver's trade
And the only, only thing that I ever did wrong
Was to woo a fair young maid.
I wooed her in the summer time
And in the winter too
And the only, only thing that I ever did wrong
Was to keep her from the foggy, foggy, dew.
One night she came to my bedside
As I lay fast asleep
She laid her head upon my bed
And she began to weep.
She wept, she cried, she damn near died
She said "What shall I do?"
So I hauled her into bed and I covered up her head
Just to keep her from the foggy, foggy dew.
Now I am a bachelor, I live with my son 
And we work at the weaver's trade.
And every, every time that I look into his eyes
He reminds me of that fair young maid
He reminds me of the summer time
And of the winter too
And of many, many times that I held her in my arms,
Just to keep her from the foggy, foggy dew.
It ain't no use to sit and wonder why babe
If you don't know by now,
Well, it ain't no use to sit and wonder why
It doesn't matter anyhow.
When the rooster crows at the break of dawn,
Look out your window, and I'll be gone.
You're the reason I'm a-travelling on.
But don't think twice it's all right.
And it ain't no use in turning on your light babe
The light I never knowed.
And it ain't no use in turning on your light babe
I'm on the dark side of the road.
But I wish there was something you would do or say
To try to make me change my mind and stay.
We never did too much talking anyway,
So don't think twice, it's all right.
So it ain't no use in calling out my name gal,
Like you've never done before,
And it ain't no use in calling out my name gal
I can't hear it any more.
I'm thinking and I'm wondering all the way down the road,
I once loved a woman, a child I'm told,
I gave her my heart but she wanted my soul,
But don't think twice, it's all right.
I'm walking down this long lonesome road babe 
Where I'm bound I can't tell
Goodbye's too good a word, babe,
So I just say fare thee well.
I ain't saying that you treated me unkind
You could have done better, but I don't mind,
You just kind of wasted my previous time,
But don't think twice, it's all right.
Come all you young fellows so brave and so fine
And seek not your fortune way down in the mine
It will form as a habit and seep in your soul
Till the streams of your blood run as black as the coal.
For it's dark as a dungeon and dank as the dew
Where the dangers are double and the pleasures are few
Where the rain never falls and the sun never shines
It's as dark as a dungeon way down in the mines.
There's many a man I have known in my day
Who has lived just to labour his whole life away
Like the fiend for his dope or the drunkard his wine
A man will have lust for the lure of the mine.
The morning, the evening, the middle of the day
There the same to the miner who labours away
And the one who's not careful will never survive
One fall of the slate and you're buried alive
I hope when I die and the ages shall roll 
That my body will blacken, and turn into coal
As I look from the door of my heavenly home
I'll pity the miner a slave to my bones.
Every morning at seven o'clock
There are twenty tarriers drilling at the rock,
And the boss come along and he said "Keep still,
And come down heavy on the cast-iron drill"
And drill, ye tarriers, drill
For its work all day for the sugar in yer tay
Down behind the old railway,
And drill, ye tarriers, drill
And blast _ and fire!
Our new foreman is Jimmy McCann,
By God he is a blame mean man.
One day a premature blast went off
And a mile in the air went big Jim Gough.
When next pay day came around
Jim Gough a dollar short was found.
When he asked what for came this reply
"You were docked for the time you were up in the sky."
Our boss is a good man down to the ground 
And he married a lady six feet round.
She bakes good bread and she bakes it well
But she bakes it hard as the holes in Hell.
A girl cries in the early morning woken by the sound of a gun.
She knows somewhere somebody's dyin' beneath the rising Sun.
Outside the window of he cabaña the shadows are full of her fears,
She knows her lover is out there somewhere,
he's been on the run for a year.
Oh! The soul of El Salvador.
The bell rings out on the chapel steeple,
the priest prepares to say mass.
The sad congregation come tired and hungry
to pray that their troubles will pass.
Outside the Sun rises over the dusty street
where the crowd gathers round,
Flies and mosquitos drink from pools of blood
where his body is found.
Oh! The soul of El Salvador.
Out on the ranch the rich man's preparin' to go for his morning ride.
They've saddled his horse out in the corral,
he walks out full of pride.
He looks like a cowboy in one of the movies
the President made in the past.
The Peasants in rags they stand back
for they know Enrico gallops fast.
Over the soul of El Salvador
A girl cries in the early morning woken by the sound of a gun.
She knows somewhere somebody's dyin' beneath the rising Sun.
Outside the window of he cabaña the shadows are full of her fears,
She knows her lover is out there somewhere,
he's been on the run for a year.
Oh! The soul of El Salvador.

By Johnny Duhan as sung by Christy Moore.

This song was written about the civil war in El Salvador in the early 1980’s and the death squads operating then.

Frog went a courtin' and he did ride a-hum (x3)
A sword and a pistol by his side a-hum
Came up to Missie Mouse's door a-hum
Where he'd often been before a-hum
Missie Mouse are you within a-hum
Yes kind sir and please come in a-hum
Missie Mouse will you marry me a-hum
O no kind sir that never can be a-hum
Without my Uncle Rat's consent a-hum
I would not marry the President a-hum
Uncle Rat laughed till he split his sides a-hum
To think his niece would be a bride a-hum
Where will the wedding breakfast be a-hum
Way down yonder in the hollow tree a-hum
What will the wedding breakfast be a-hum
Two red beans and a black-eyed pea a-hum
They all went swimming across the lake a-hum 
And got swallowed up by a big black snake a-hum
Black girl, black girl, don't you lie to me
Tell me where did you sleep last night?
In the pines, in the pines, where the sun never shines
And shivered the whole night through
Tell me where did you get those pretty little shoes
And the dress that you wear so fine?
I got my shoes from a railroad man
My dress from a driver in the mine
I wish to the Lord that I'd never been born
Or died when I was young
I never would have kissed your sweet face
Or heard your rattling tongue
True love, true love, tell me where will you go?
Going to go where the wild winds blow
Going to weep, going to cry
going to sleep, going to sigh
Going to dance in my good-time shoes

Guitar chords for Black Girl

      Dm                          Gm     Dm
Black girl, black girl, don't you lie to me
        Dm            Gm    A7   Dm
Tell me where did you sleep last night?
       Dm                             Gm        Dm
In the pines, in the pines, where the sun never shines
    Dm           A7          Dm
And shivered the whole night through
I found my love by the gasworks wall
Dreamed a dream by the old canal
Kissed my girl by the factory wall
Dirty old town, dirty old town.
I heard the siren from the docks,
Saw a train set the night on fire,
Smelt the Spring on the smoky air
The clouds are drifting across the moon
Cats are prowling on their beat
Springs a girl in the street at night
I'm going to take a good sharp axe 
Shining steel tempered in the fire
We'll chop you down like an old dead tree
Deep blue sea, Willie deep blue sea (x3)
It was Willie, what got drownded in the deep blue sea.
Dig his grave with a silver spade (x3)
It was Willie, what got drownded in the deep blue sea.
Sew his shroud with a silken thread (x3)
It was Willie, what got drownded in the deep blue sea.
Lower him down on a golden chain (x3) 
It was Willie, what got drownded in the deep blue sea.
The fox went out on a chilly night
He prayed for the moon to give him light
For he'd many a mile to go that night
Before he reached the town-o, town-o, town-o
Well he ran till he came to the farmer's yard
The ducks and the geese were all a-feared
"A couple of you will grease my beard.
Before I leave this town-o"...
Well he grabbed the grey goose by the neck
And slung a duck right over his back
He didn't mind their quacky quacky quack
Or the legs all dangling down-o...
Well old mother Flipper-Flopper jumped out of bed
And out of the window she cocked her head
Crying "John, John, John ! The grey goose is gone
And the fox is away to his den-o"...
Then John he went up to the top of the hill
And blew his horn both loud and shrill
"Play on," says Reynard, "with your music shrill
For I am away to my den-o"...
He ran till he came to his cosy den
There were the little ones, eight, nine, ten
They said "Daddy, better go back again
'Cos it must be a mighty fine town-o"...
The old daddy fox and his cubs and his wife 
Cut up the goose without any strife
They never had such a supper in their life
And the little ones chewed on the bones-o...