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A song to sing

Oh you can't put your muck in our dustbin, our dustbin
Oh you can't put your muck in our dustbin, our dustbin's full
Fish and chips and vinegar, vinegar, vinegar
Fish and chips and vinegar, salt and pepper on the lot
One bottle of beer, 2 bottle of beer, 3 bottle of beer, 4 bottle of beer,
5 bottle of beer, 6 bottle of beer, 7 bottle of beer, 8.
They pave paradise, put up a parking lot 
With a pink hotel, a boutique and a swinging hot spot
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got till it's gone?
They pave paradise, put up a parking lot
They took all the trees, put 'em in a tree museum
And they charged all the people a dollar and a half just to see 'em
Don't it always seem to go...
Hey farmer, farmer, put away the DDT now
Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees - please!
Don't it always seem to go...
Late last night I heard the screen door slam
And a big yellow taxi took away my old man
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got till it's gone?
They pave paradise, put up a parking lot
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got till it's gone?
They pave paradise, put up a parking lot

Joni Mitchell

Guitar chords for Big Yellow Taxi

A                                   E
They pave paradise put up a parking lot
A                    B7              E
With a pink hotel, a boutique and a swinging hot spot
Don't it always seem to go that you
A                                    E
Don't know what you've got till it's gone
A                  B7               E
They pave paradise put up a parking lot
Come all you jolly ploughboys
Come listen to me lays
And join with me in chorus
And I'll sing the ploughboy's praise
My song is of the ploughboy's fame
And unto you I'll relate the same
He whistles, sings, and drives his team
The brave ploughing boy
So early in the morning the ploughboy he is seen
He hastens to the stable
His horses for to clean
Their manes and tails he will comb straight
With chaff and corn he does them bait
Then he'll endeavour to plough straight
The brave ploughing boy
Now all things being ready
And the harvest that's put o
All with a shining countenance
His work he will pursue
The small birds sing on every tree
The cuckoo joins sweet harmony
To welcome in as you may say
The brave ploughing boy
So early in the mornings
To harrow, plough, and sow
And with a gentle cast me boys
Will give the corn a throw
Which makes the valleys thick to stand
With corn to fill the reapers hand
All this you well may understand
Comes from the ploughing boy
Now the corn it is a-growing
And the seed time that's all o'er
Our master he does welome us
And unlocks the cellar door
With cake and ale we'll have our fill
Because we've done our work so well
There's none here can excel the skill
Of the brave ploughing boy
Once I lived in old Virginia, to North Carolina I did go
There I spied a beautiful damsel, but her name I never did know
Her hair was black as any charcoal, her eyes were of some diamond blue
On her bosom she wore white lilies, well my poor heart most broke in two
Every day I'm thinking about her, every night till I can't rest
Every moment seems like an hour, oh what a pain across my breast
Shall I go to Alagadie, shall I go for loving you?
Or shall I go to some far country, where I bid a sad adieu?
Fetch me a razor and a pan of cold water
Fetch me a hammer to beat out my brains
For the old corn liquour has got me surrounded
The women have run me deranged
Get you a copper kettle, get you a copper coil 
Cover with cornmash, and never more you'll toil
You just lay beneath the Juniper 
O when the moon is bright
Watch them jugs a fillin'
In the pale moon light
My father he made whisky, my father's father too 
We ain't paid no whisky tax, since 1792
Long years ago when I was young
The flowers they bloomed and the birds they sung
A sailor and his fair young bride
Were weeping by the water's side
Fa-la-la-la, la-la-la-la, Fa-la-la, la-la-la
A sailor and his fair young bride
Were weeping by the water's side
'Tis but six months since we were wed
But oh how fast the time has sped
For we must part at the dawning of the day
When the good ship bears my love away
Fa-la-la-la, la-la-la-la, Fa-la-la, la-la-la
For we must part at the dawning of the day
When the good ship bears my love away
Long years have passed, he comes no more
To greet his bride by the ocean shore
His ship went down in the howling of the storm
And the waves engulfed his lifeless form
Fa-la-la-la, la-la-la-la, Fa-la-la, la-la-la
His ship went down in the howling of the storm
And the waves engulfed his lifeless form
Oh that I were with him too
Beneath the waves of the ocean blue
My soul to my God and my body to the sea
And the deep blue waves a rolling over me
Fa-la-la-la, la-la-la-la, Fa-la-la, la-la-la
My soul to my God and my body to the sea
And the deep blue waves a rolling over me
'Twas as I sat down one morning, 'twas in a small café
A forty year old waitress to me these words did say:
I see that you are a Logger and not just a common bum
For nobody but a Logger stirs his coffee with his thumb
My lover was a Logger, there's none like him today
If you poured whisky on it, he'd eat a bale of hay
He never shaved his whiskers from off of his horny hide
He'd just drive them in with a hammer and bite them off inside
My lover came to see me, 'twas on one freezing day
He held me in a fond embrace which broke three vertebrae
He kissed me when we parted, so hard it broke my jaw
I could not speak to tell him he forgot his mackinaw
I watched my lover leaving, as homeward he did go
Sauntering gaily onwards at forty-eight below
The weather tried to freeze him it tried its level best
At a hundred degrees below zero, he buttoned up his vest
It froze right through to China, it froze to the stars above
At a thousand degrees below zero, it froze my Logger Love
And so I lost my lover, and if you believe it, sir
They made him into axe-blades, to chop the Douglas Fir
And now it's every morning that to this café I come
Until I meet with someone stirs his coffee with his thumb

Guitar chords for Logger Lover

      C                 G                            C
'Twas as I sat down one morning, 'twas in a small café ,
  C7             F           G                     C
A forty-year-old waitress to me these words did say
Cluck old hen you better cluck, 
Hawk going to eat your chickens up.
Some lay one, some lay two, 
Some lay enough for the whole darn crew.
Good old hen, good old hen, 
You'll lay eggs for the railroad men.

Ed Weaver & Pug Allen.

Started it’s life as a fiddle tune from the Appalachian Mountains of America.

I'm a charlady's son, and I'm just thirty one
And me wife's ten years younger than me
And I don't like to roam, 'cos I likes to stay home
But me wife she goes out on a spree
And she leaves me behind, the babies to mind
And the house in a good order to keep
But with the fire burning bright, I could sit half the night
Rocking me babies to sleep
And it's lady, lady, hush-a-bye baby
Well your mammie will be coming back bye and bye
But with the fire burning bright I could sit half the night
Rocking me babies to sleep
Well last Saturday night I went out for a stroll
After rocking me babies to sleep
When at the bottom of our street, well who do you think I met
But me wife, with a soldier six feet
Well she sobbed and she sighed, and she damned nearly died
She said, Lad, I've been thinking of thee
But with the fire burning bright, I could sit half the night
Rocking me babies to sleep
And it's lady, lady, hush-a-bye baby
Well your mammie will be coming back bye and bye
But with the fire burning bright I could sit half the night
Rocking me babies to sleep
When I was a little girl, I wished I was a boy
I tagged along behind the gang and wore me corduroys
Everybody said I only did it to annoy
But I was gonna be an engineer
Mama told me, Can't you be a lady?
Your duty is to make me the mother of a pearl
Wait until you're older dear, and maybe
You'll be glad that you're a girl
* Dainty as a Dresden Statue
Gentle as a Jersey cow
Smooth as silk, gives creamy milk
Learn to coo, learn to moo
That's what you do to be a lady now
When I went to school I learned to write and how to read
Some history, geography and home economy,
And typing is a skill that every girl is sure to need,
To while away the extra time until the time to breed
And then they had the nerve to say, What would you like to be?
I says, I'm gonna be an engineer!
No, you only need to learn to be a lady
The duty isn't yours for to try and run the world
An engineer could never have a baby!
Remember, dear, that you're a girl
* She's smart! for a woman
I wonder how she got that way?
You get no choice, you get no voice
Just stay mum, pretend you're dumb
That's how you come to be a lady today!
So I became a typist and I study on the sly
Working out the day and night so I can qualify

Peggy Seeger

* omit these verses for shorter version