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A song to sing

First couple separate go out around the ring
You pass your partners going out
You pass them coming in
Bow to your corner
Promenade your own
Sing - I want to be near you
You're the one, the one for me
You're the one for me

Repeat for all couples

Johnny Miner you were born
Never to see the rising sun
Now it's time that you were gone
Farewell Johnny Miner
Farewell Durham and Yorkshire too
Nottingham the same to you
Scotland, South Wales, bid adieu
Farewell Johnny Miner
They promised you the Earth sometimes
To dig the coal from their stinking mines
And all the justice for their crimes
Is Farewell Johnny Miner
Farewell Durham and Yorkshire too...
You battled with the sliding scale
Lungs turned black and faces pale
Now your body's up for sale
Farewell Johnny Miner
Farewell Durham and Yorkshire too...
Come on, John, don't take it hard
Unemployment isn't bad
They'll treat you well in the knacker's yard
Farewell Johnny Miner
Farewell Durham and Yorkshire too
Nottingham the same to you
Scotland, South Wales, bid adieu
Farewell Johnny Miner
O what will you give me? say the sad bells of Rhymney
Is there hope for the future? say the brown bells of Merthyr
Who made the mine owner? say the black bells of Rhondda
And who robbed the miner? say the grim bells of Blaenau
They will plunder willy nilly, say the bells of Caerphilly
They have fangs, they have teeth, shouts the loud bell of Neath
Even God is uneasy; say the moist bells of Swansea
And: What will you give me? say the sad bells of Rhymney
Throw the vandals in Court; say the bells of Newport
All will be well if, if, if, if, say the green bells of Cardiff
Why so worried, sisters, why? say the silver bells of Bligh
And: What will you give me? say the sad bells of Rhymney
A hungry feeling came over me And the mice were a-squealing in my prison cell
And that auld triangle went jingle-jangle
All along the banks of the Royal Canal
Oh to start the morning, the warder bawling
Get up out of bed you and clean at your cell
And that auld triangle went jingle-jangle
All along the banks of the Royal Canal
Oh the screw was peeping and the lag was sleeping
As he lay weeping for his girl Sal
And that auld triangle went jingle-jangle
All along the banks of the Royal Canal
Oh a fine spring evening, the lag lay dreaming
And the seagulls were wheeling high above the wall
And that auld triangle went jingle-jangle
All along the banks of the Royal Canal
Oh the wind was sighing and the day was dying
As the lag lay crying in his prison cell
And that auld triangle went jingle-jangle
All along the banks of the Royal Canal
In the women's prison there are seventy women
And I wish it was with them that I could dwell
And that auld triangle went jingle-jangle
Swing down chariot
Stop and let me ride
Swing down chariot
Stop and let me ride
Rock me now, rock me now
Calm and easy
I've got a home on the other side
Oh who wouldn't be a sailor boy a-sailing on the main
To gain the good will of his captain is to blame
For he went ashore now one evening for to be
And that was the beginning of the whole calamity
And it's home, boys, home
Home I'd like to be
Home for a while in me own country
Where the oak and the ash and the bonny rowan tree
Are all a-blooming freely in the north country
Now I asked her for a handkerchief to tie around me head
And likewise for a candle for to light me up to bed
She tended to me needs just like a young maid ought to do
So then I says to her, Why don't you jump in with me too?
And it's home, boys, home...
Oh she jumped into bed now taking no alarm
Thinking a young sailor lad to her could do no harm
I hugged her, I kissed her the whole night long
Till she wished the short night had been seven years long
And it's home, boys, home...
Oh well early next morning the sailor lad arose
And into Mary's apron poured a pocket full of gold
Saying Take this my dear for the mischief I have done
For tonight I fear I've left you with a daughter or a son
And it's home, boys, home...
Now if it be a girl child we'll send her out to nurse
With silver in her pocket and gold in her purse
And if it be a boy child we'll give him the jacket blue,
And send him up the rigging like his daddy used to do
And it's home, boys, home...
Come listen all you fair maids take this advice from me
Never let a sailor lad an inch above your knee
For I trusted one and he beguiled me
And he left me with a pair of twins to dandle on me knee

Guitar chords for Home Boys Home

Oh who wouldn't be a sailor lad a-sailing on the main
   G                        C             G
To gain the goodwill of his captain is to blame
    C         F             C              G
For he went a-shore now one evening for to be
    C               F              G            C
And that was the be-ginning of the whole calami-ty

And it's home, boys, home

Home I'd like to be
F          C                   G
Home for a while in me own country
          C           F           C           G
Where the Oak and the Ash and the bonny Rowan tree
    C                            G         C
Are all a-blooming freely in the north country

I'll sing you one-o!
What is your one-o?
One is one and all alone
And ever more shall be so
I'll sing you two-o!
What is your two-o?
Two, two, the lily white boys clothéd all in green-o
One is one and all alone
And ever more shall be so
I'll sing you three-o!
What is your three-o?
Three, three the rivals
Two, two, the lily white boys clothéd all in green-o
One is one and all alone
And ever more shall be so
• Four for the Gospel makers
• Five for the symbols at your door
• Six for the six proud walkers
• Seven for the seven stars in the sky
• Eight for the April rainers
• Nine for the nine bright shiners or Nine for the nine that brightly shine
• Ten for the ten commandments
• Eleven for the eleven that went to heaven
I'll sing you twelve-o!
What is your twelve-o?
Twelve for the twelve apostles.
Eleven for the eleven that went to heaven
Ten for the ten commandments
Nine for the nine bright shiners
Eight for the April rainers
Seven for the seven stars in the sky
Six for the six proud walkers
Five for the symbols at your door
Four for the Gospel makers
Three, three the rivals
Two, two, the lily white boys clothéd all in green-o
One is one and all alone
And ever more shall be so
Goutons voir si le vin est bon
Goutons voir si le vin est bon
Goutons voir oui oui oui,
Goutons voir non non non,
Goutons voir si le vin est bon
Goutons voir oui oui oui
Goutons voir non non non
Goutons voir si le vin est bon
S'il est bon s'il est agreable
J'en boirai jusqu'a mon plaisir
S'il est bon s'il est agreable
J'en boirai jusqu'a mon plaisir
J'en boirai oui ..... etc
J'en boirai cinq ou six bouteilles
Et une femme sur mes genoux
Toc toc toc. Qui frappe a la porte?
Je crois bien, ca c'est son mari
Si je meurs, je veux qu'on m'enterre
Dans une cave ou il y a du bon vin
Les deux pieds contre la muraille
Et la tete sous le robinet
Sur ma tombe je veux qu'on ecrive
Ice Git le roi des buveurs
It's time for man to go home
It's time for man to go home
It's time for bird and it's time for beast
And it's time for man to go home
When I was young I used to wait
On the master and carry the plate
And pass the bottle when he got dry
And brush away the bluetail fly
Gimme crack corn and I don't care
Gimme crack corn and I don't care
Gimme crack corn and I don't care
My master's gone away
And when he'd ride in the afternoon
I'd follow after with a hickory broom
The pony being apt to shy
When bitten by the bluetail fly
Gimme crack corn and I don't care...
One day he rode around the farm
The flies so numerous they did swarm
One chanced to bite him on the thigh
The devil take the bluetail fly
Gimme crack corn and I don't care...
The pony run, he buck, he pitched
He threw my master in the ditch
He died and the jury wondered why
The verdict was the bluetail fly
Gimme crack corn and I don't care...
They buried him under a cinnamon tree
His epitaph is there to see
Beneath this tree is forced to lie
A victim of the bluetail fly
Gimme crack corn and I don't care
Gimme crack corn and I don't care
Gimme crack corn and I don't care
My master's gone away

Guitar chords for Gimme Crack Corn

       A                   E     
When I was young I used to wait
On the master and carry the plate
And pass the bottle when he got dry
    E                       A
And brush away the bluetail fly