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Drink your whiskey, drink your rye
Turn your thoughts up to the sky
Things will happen by and by
If you keep on truckin' along
Drink your whiskey, drink your wine
Everything's gonna turn out fine
You do your thing and I'll do mine
And we'll keep on truckin' along
Truckin', truckin', truckin'
Truckin', truckin', truckin'
Truckin', truckin', truckin'
Keep truckin', keep on truckin'
Drink your whiskey, drink your booze
Some you win and some you loose
We've got them ol' Milwaulkee blues
But we'll keep on truckin' along

Guitar chords for Milwaukee Truckin’ Blues

E7                  G#7
Drink your whiskey, drink your rye
Turn your thoughts up to the sky
E7                 C#7
Things will happen by and by
       F#7     B7         E
If you keep on truckin' a-long
Truckin', Truckin', Truckin'
Truckin', Truckin', Truckin',
Truckin', Truckin', Truckin'
Keep truckin', keep on truckin'
Oh dear-o, Oh dear-o
Oh dear-o
Me husband's admired wherever he goes
And everyone looks well upon him
With his handsome features and well-shaped leg
But still he's got no courage in him
Oh dear-o, Oh dear-o
Me husband can dance and caper and sing
And do anything that's fitting for him
But he cannot do the thing I want
Because he's got no courage in him
Oh dear-o, Oh dear-o
All sorts of victuals I did provide
All sorts of meats that's fitting for him
With oyster pie and rhubarb too
But still he's got no courage in him
Oh dear-o, Oh dear-o
Every night when I goes to bed
I lie and throw me leg right o'er him
And me hand I clamp between his thighs
But I can't put any courage in him
Oh dear-o, Oh dear-o
Seven long years I've made his bed
And every night I've lain beside him
But this morning I rose with me maidenhead
For still he's got no courage in him
Oh dear-o, Oh dear-o
I wish me husband he was dead
And in his grave I'd quickly lay him
And then I'd find another one
That's got a little courage in him
Oh dear-o, Oh dear-o
Oh dear-o
Captain, don't you know me
Don't you know my name?
Captain, don't you know me
Don't you know my name?
Well the name is the same whatever the game
And the game's got the same old name
You're the same old rascal stole my watch and chain
That's the name of the game
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free
Blackbird fly, Blackbird fly
Into the light of a dark black night

John Lennon and Paul McCartney

On top of Old Smoky, all covered in snow
I lost my true lover, through courting too slow
Now courting's a pleasure and parting's a grief
But a false hearted lover is worse than a thief
A thief he will rob you and take what you have
But a false hearted lover will send you to the grave
The grave will decay you and turn you to dust
There's not one man in a million a poor girl can trust
He'll tell you he loves you and tell you more lies
Than the crossties on the railroad or the stars in the skies
He'll tell you he loves you to give your heart ease
But the moment your back's turned he'll court whom he please
Come all you young maidens and listen to me!
Don't hang your affections on a green willow tree
For the leaves they will wither and the roots they will die
And you'll be forsaken and never know why
Bury me on Old Smoky, Old Smoky so high
Where the wild birds in heaven can hear my sad cry
As I went down to the river, poor boy
To see the ships go by
My sweetheart stood on the deck of one
And she waved to me good-bye
Bow down your head and cry, poor boy
Bow down your head and cry
Stop thinking about that woman you love
Bow down your head and cry
I followed her for months and months
She offered me her hand
We were just about to get married, when
She ran off with a gambling man
Bow down your head and cry...
He came at me with a big jack knife
I went for him with lead
When the fight was over, poor boy
He lay down beside me, dead
Bow down your head and cry...
They took me to the big jail house
The months, the months rolled by
The jury found me guilty, poor boy
And the Judge said you must die
Bow down your head and cry...
And yet they call this justice, poor boy
Then justice let it be
I only killed a man that was
Just a-fixing to kill me
Bow down your head and cry, poor boy
Bow down your head and cry
Stop thinking about that woman you love
Bow down your head and cry

Guitar chords for Poor Boy

   C      G       C             C7
As I went down to the river, poor boy
   F               C
To see the ships go by

My sweetheart stood on the deck of one
        G            C
And she waved me good-bye
    C         G        C        C7
Bow down your head and cry, poor boy
    F              C
Bow down your head and cry

Stop thinking about that woman you love
Bow down your head and cry
Why doesn't my goose
Sing as well as thy goose
When I paid for my goose
Twice as much as thine?
Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine
Tell her to make me a cambric shirt
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Without no seam or needlework
Then she'll be a true love of mine
Tell her to find me an acre of land
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Between the salt water and the sea strand
Then she'll be a true love of mine
Tell her to plough it with one ram's horn
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
And sow it all over with one peppercorn
Then she'll be a true love of mine
Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
And gather it all in a bunch of heather
Then she'll be a true love of mine


There are many variations of this song which is probably about 500 years old. At camp we usually sing a shorter version, popularised by Simon and Garfunkel in the 1970s. On the right is a longer traditional version, where the man and woman each set each other a series of tasks.

The herbs in the refrain are symbolic: parsley takes away bitterness, sage and thyme respectively symbolise strength and courage, while rosemary represents faithfulness, love and remembrance.

SCARBOROUGH FAIR (A traditional version)

Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine
Tell her to make me a cambric shirt 
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Without no seam nor fine needlework
Then she'll be a true love of mine
Tell her to wash it in yonder dry well 
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Where water ne'er sprung nor rain ever fell
Then she'll be a true love of mine
Tell her to dry it on yonder thorn 
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Which never bore blossom since Adam was born
Then she'll be a true love of mine
Can you find me an acre of land 
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Between the salt water and the sea-sand?
Or you'll never be a true love of mine
Can you plough it with a lamb's horn? 
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
And sow it all over with one peppercorn ?
Or you'll never be a true love of mine
Can you reap it with a sickle of leather? 
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
And gather it up in a bundle of heather?
Or you'll never be a true love of mine
When you have done and finished your work 
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Come to me for your cambric shirt
For then you'll be a true love of mine
If you say that you can't, then I shall reply 
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Oh, Let me know that at least you will try
Or you'll never be a true love of mine

Guitar chords for Scarborough Fair

Am               G           Am
Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
C        Am         D        Am
Parsley, sage, rose-mary and thyme
   F      C                  G
Re-member me to one who lives there
Am       G               Am
She once was a true love of mine
Hey! Mister Tambourine man, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
Hey! Mister Tambourine man play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you
Though I know that evening's empire has returned to sand
Vanished from my hand
Left me blindly here to stand but still not sleeping
My weariness amazes me, I'm branded on my feet
I have no-one to meet
And the ancient empty street's too dead for dreaming
Hey! Mr Tambourine man...
Take me on a trip upon your magic swirling ship
My senses have been stripped
My hands can't feel to grip
Toes too numb to step
Wait only for my boot heels to be wandering
I'm ready to go anywhere, I'm ready for to fade
Into my own parade, cast your dancing spell my way
I promise to go under it
Hey! Mr Tambourine man...
Though you might hear laughing, spinning, singing
madly across the sun
It's not aimed at anyone, it's just escaping on the run
And but for the sky there are no fences facing
And if you hear vague traces of skipping reels of rhyme
To your tambourine in time
It's just a ragged clown behind, I wouldn't pay it any mind
It's just a shadow you are seeing that he's chasing
Hey! Mr Tambourine man...
Then take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind
Down the foggy ruins of time, far past the frozen leaves
The haunted frightened trees, out to the windy beach
Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free
Silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands
With all memory and fate, driven deep beneath the waves
Let's forget about today until tomorrow
Hey! Mister Tambourine man, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
Hey! Mister Tambourine man play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you

Bob Dylan

Show me the prison, show me the jail
Show me the prisoner whose life has gone stale
And I'll show you, young man so many reasons why
There but for fortune go you or I
Show me the alley, show me the train
Show me the hobo who sleeps out in the rain
And I'll show you, young man so many reasons why
There but for fortune go you or I
Show me the whisky stains on the floor
Show me the drunkard as he staggers out the door
And I'll show you, young man so many reasons why
There but for fortune go you or I
Show me the country where the bombs had to fall
Show me the ruins of the buildings once so tall
And I'll show you, young man so many reasons why
There but for fortune go you or I