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One night I dreamed I was in slavery
'Bout 1850 was the time
Sorrow was the only sign
Nothing around to ease my mind
Out of the night appeared a lady
Leading a distant pilgrim band
First mate, she yelled pointing her hand,
Make room on board for this young man
Singing come on up, I got a lifeline
Come on up to this train of mine
Come on up, I got a lifeline
Come on up to this train of mine
She said her name was Harriet Tubman
And she drove for the underground railroad
Hundreds of miles we travelled onward
Gathering slaves from town to town
Seeking every lost and found
Setting those free that once were bound.
Somehow my heart was growing weaker
I fell by the waysides sinking sand
Firmly did this lady stand
She lifted me up and took my hand
Singing come on up, I got a lifeline
Come on up to this train of mine
Come on up, I got a lifeline
Come on up to this train of mine
She said her name was Harriet Tubman
And she drove for the underground railroad

Walter Robinson

Guitar chords for Harriet Tubman

One night I dreamed I was in slavery
           G   A   Bm
'Bout 1850 was the time
Sorrow was the only sign
G                      A   Bm
Nothing around to ease my mind

Out of the night appeared a lady
                  G   A    Bm 
Leading a distant pil-grim band
D                      E            F#
First mate, she yelled pointing her hand
G                           A     Bm
Make room on board for this young man

Singing come on up, mm mm mm, I got a lifeline
                   G     A   Bm
Come on up to this train of  mine

Come on up, mm mm mm, I got a lifeline
                   G     A   Bm
Come on up to this train of  mine
    A                         G
She said her name was Harriet Tubman
        D             E     F#7    Bm
And she drove for the under-ground railroad

Walter was an escaped slave and Harriet Tubman was a leader of the underground railroad, a secret network of ‘safe houses’ that helped slaves escape to the north during the American Civil War. For most slaves the only hope of freedom was escape.

I thought I heard the old man say
Leave her, Johnny, leave her
It's a long hard pull to the next pay day
And it's time for us to leave her
Leave her, Johnny, leave her
Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her
It's a long hard pull to the next pay day
And it's time for us to leave her
The captain was bad but the mate was worse
Leave her, Johnny, leave her
He could blow you down with a sigh and a curse
And it's time for us to leave her
Leave her, Johnny, leave her
Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her
He could blow you down with a sigh and a curse
And it's time for us to leave her
And a dollar a day is a Jack Shite's pay
When it's pump all night and work all day
Now the rats are all gone and we the crew
Oh it's time by Christ that we went too
Well it's pump or drown, the old man said
Or else by Christ we'll all be dead
I thought I heard the old man say
Leave her, Johnny, leave her
Just one more pump and then belay
And it's time for us to leave her
Leave her, Johnny, leave her
Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her
Just one more pump and then belay
And it's time for us to leave her
Earth my body, water my blood
Air my breath and fire my spirit
Rose, rose, rose, rose
Shall I ever see thee red?
Aye, marry, that thou wilt
An thou'lt but stay
The Lord said to Noah
There's going to be a floody, floody
There's going to be a floody, floody
Children of the Lord
So, rise and shine
And give God your glory, glory
And give God your glory, glory
And give God your glory, glory
Children of the Lord
So Noah he made him
He made him an arky, arky
With cedar plants and hickory barky, barky
Children of the Lord
So, rise and shine...
The animals they came in
They came in by two-sies, two-sies
Ele-phants and kangaroosies, roosies
Children of the Lord
So, rise and shine...
The animals, they came in
They came in by threesies, threesies
Or-ang-u-tangs and chimpanzeezies, zeezies
Children of the Lord
So, rise and shine
And give God your glory, glory
And give God your glory, glory
And give God your glory, glory
Children of the Lord
I lay on my back with the sun in my eyes
Soon I shall know what no living man knows
All of my life's been a fight against lies
Death brings the truth, now it's my turn to know
Send my mother a lock of my hair
Send my father the watch that he gave me
Tell my brother to follow me if he dare
Tell them I'm lost now, and no-one can save me
Remember, remember, send my love little yellow roses
My father taught me that all men are equal
Whatever colour, religion or land
Told me to fight for the things I believed in
This I have done, with a gun in my hand
Send my mother a lock of my hair
I met my love in a garden of roses
She pricked her finger - how sharp the thorn grows
We made a promise that till Death did part us
We'd never look on that wild yellow rose
Send my mother a lock of my hair
Send my father the watch that he gave me
Tell my brother to follow me if he dare
Tell them I'm lost now, and no-one can save me
Remember, remember, send my love little yellow roses
I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night
Alive as you or me.
Says I, But Joe, you're ten years dead
I never died, says he
I never died, says he
In Salt Lake, Joe, says I to him
Him standing by my bed
They framed you on a murder charge
Says Joe, But I ain't dead
Says Joe, But I ain't dead
The copper bosses killed you, Joe
They shot you, Joe, says I
Takes more than guns to kill a man
Says Joe, I didn't die
Says Joe, I didn't die
And standing there as big as life
And smiling with his eyes
Joe says, What they forgot to kill
Went on to organise
Went on to organise
Joe Hill ain't dead, he says to me
Joe Hill ain't never died
Where working folk are out on strike
Joe Hill is at their side
Joe Hill is at their side
From San Diego up to Maine
In every mine and mill
Where workers strike and organise
It's there you'll find Joe Hill
It's there you'll find Joe Hill
I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night
Alive as you or me.
Says I, But Joe, you're ten years dead
I never died, says he
I never died, says he

Earl Robinson and Alfred Hayes

Joe Hill was a labour organiser and poet who was framed and executed on a murder charge in 1915 in Utah, USA

Guitar chords for Joe Hill

   G                                  C              G
I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night a-live as you or me
     C                  G
Says I, But Joe, you're ten years dead
A7                 D7                     G
I never died, says he. I never died, says he
Oh, me and my cousin, one Arthur McBride
As we went a-walkin' down by the seaside
Mark now what followed and what did betide
For it bein' on Christmas mornin'
Now, for recreation, we went on a tramp
And we met Sergeant Napper and Corporal Vamp
And a little wee drummer intending to camp
For the day bein' pleasant and charmin'
Good morning, good morning, the Sergeant he cried
And the same to you, gentlemen, we did reply
Intending no harm but meant to pass by
For it bein' on Christmas mornin'
But, says he, My fine fellows, if you will enlist
Ten guineas in gold I'll stick to your fist
And a crown in the bargain for to kick up the dust
And drink the king's health in the morning
For a soldier, he leads a very fine life
And he always is blessed with a charming young wife
And he pays all his debts without sorrow or strife
And he always lives pleasant and charmin'
And a soldier, he always is decent and clean
In the finest of clothing he's constantly seen
While other poor fellows go dirty and mean
And sup on thin gruel in the morning
And we have no desire to take your advance
All hazards and dangers we barter on chance
For you'd have no scruples for to send us to France
Where we would get shot without warning
Oh no, says the Sergeant, I'll have no such chat
And neither will I take it from snappy young brats
For if you insult me with one other word
I'll cut off your heads in the morning
And Arthur and I, we soon drew our hogs
And we scarce gave them time to draw their own blades
When a trusty shillelagh came over their head
And bid them take that as fair warning
And their old rusty rapiers that hung by their sides
We flung them as far as we could in the tide
Now take them up, devils! cried Arthur McBride
And temper their edge in the mornin'!
And the little wee drummer, we flattened his bow
And we made a football of his rowdy-dow-dow
Threw it in the tide for to rock and to roll
And bade it a tedious returning
And we havin' no money, paid them off in cracks
We paid no respect to their two bloody backs
And we lathered them there like a pair of wet sacks
And left them for dead in the morning
And so, to conclude and to finish disputes
We obligingly asked if they wanted recruits
For we were the lads who would give them hard clouts
And bid them look sharp in the mornin
Oh, me and my cousin, one Arthur McBride
As we went a-walkin' down by the seaside
Mark now what followed and what did betide
For it bein' on Christmas mornin'
Well it's a marvelous night for a moondance
With the stars up above in your eyes
A fantabulous night to make romance
'Neath the cover of October skies
And all the leaves on the trees are falling
To the sound of the breezes that blow
And I'm trying to please to the calling
Of your heart-strings that play soft and low
You know the night's magic seems to whisper and hush
And all the soft moonlight seems to shine in your blush...
Can I just have one a' more moondance with you, my love?
Can I just make some more romance with you, my love?
Well I wanna make love to you tonight
I can't wait till the morning has come
And I know now the time is just right
And straight into my arms you will run
And when you come my heart will be waiting
To make sure that you're never alone
There and then all my dreams will come true dear
There and then I will make you my own
And every time I touch you, you just tremble inside
And I know how much you want me that, you can't hide...
One more moondance with you
In the moonlight
On a magic night
la, la, la, la, in the moonlight
On a magic night
Can't I just have one more dance
With you my love?

Van Morrison

Guitar chords for Moondance

Intro: Am7     Am7     Am7     Am7
Bm7          Am7         Bm7       Am7
Well it's a  marvellous night for a moon-dance
Bm7     Am7       Bm7            Am7
With the stars up a-bove in your eyes
Bm7      Am7        Bm7        Am7
A    fan-tab-u-lous night to make romance
Bm7        Am7     Bm7     Am7
'Neath the cover of October skies
Bm7         Am7           Bm7           Am7
And all the leaves on the trees they are falling
Bm7    Am7        Bm7           Am7
To the sound of the breezes that blow
Bm7     Am7       Bm7           Am7
And I'm trying to please to the calling
Bm7    Am7              Bm7       Em  Am
Of your heart-strings that play soft and low
              Dm7,G7   Am           Dm7.G7       Am
And all the night's     magic seems to whisper and hush
               Dm7,G7,   Am              Dm            E7+
And all the soft -       moonlight seems to shine, in your blush
   Am7  Bm7         Am7       Bm7
Can I just have one more moon-dance
      Am7,Bm7  Am7    E7
With you, my     love?
     Am7  Bm7       Am7    Bm7
Can I just make some  more ro-mance
       Am7,Bm7,Am7  E7+
With a you, my    love?
If I could, I surely would
Stand on the rock where Moses stood
Pharaoh's army got drowned
O Mary don't you weep
O Mary don't you weep, don't you moan
O Mary don't you weep, don't you moan
Pharaoh's army got drowned
O Mary don't you weep
Mary wore three links of chain
And on each link was Jesus' name
Pharaoh's army got drowned
O Mary don't you weep
O Mary don't you weep...
Mary wore three links of chain
And every one was Freedom's name
O Mary don't you weep...
One of these nights, about twelve o-clock
This old world's going to reel and rock
O Mary don't you weep...
Moses stood on the Red Sea shore
Shooting the water with a two-by-four
O Mary don't you weep...
God gave Noah the rainbow sign
No more water but fire next time
O Mary don't you weep...
The Lord told Moses what to do
To lead those Hebrew children through
Pharaoh's army got drowned
O Mary don't you weep
O Mary don't you weep, don't you moan
O Mary don't you weep, don't you moan
Pharaoh's army got drowned
O Mary don't you weep

Guitar chords for Mary Don’t You Weep

C            G
If I could I surely would
Stand on the rock where Moses stood
F                  C
Pharaoh's army got drownded
G                 C
Oh Mary don't you weep