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On a wagon bound for market
There's a calf with a mournful eye
High above him there's a swallow
Winging swiftly through the sky
Now the winds are laughing
They laugh with all their might
Laugh and laugh the whole day through
And half the summer's night
Donna, donna, donna, donna
Donna, donna, donna, do
Donna, donna, donna, donna
Donna, donna, donna, do
Stop complaining said the farmer
Who asked you a calf to be?
Why don't you have wings to fly with
Like the swallow so proud and free?
Now the winds are laughing...
Calves are easily bound and slaughtered
Never knowing the reason why
But whoever treasures freedom
Like the swallow, must learn to fly
Now the winds are laughing...

Guitar chords for Donna Donna:

Am   Em    Am        Em        
On a wagon bound for market
Am        Dm          Am    E    Am
There’s a calf with a mourn-ful  eye
Am   Em        Am        Em        
High above him there’s a swallow
Am      Dm      Am      E   Am.....G
Winging swiftly through the sky
G                 C
Now the winds are laughing
     G          C
They laugh with all their might
G                   C         Am
Laugh and laugh the whole day through
    E                Am
And half the summers night (singing softly)
E                    Am   
Donna, donna, donna, donna
G                   C
Donna, donna, donna do 
E                    Am
Donna, donna, donna, donna
              E     Am
Donna, donna, donna do
Fare thee well old Joe Clark, fare thee well, I'm gone
Fare thee well old Joe Clark, and goodbye Betsy Brown
I used to live on the mountain top, now I live in the town
Staying at a boarding house and courting Betsy Brown
Fare thee well old Joe Clark...
Old Joe had a yellow cat, could neither sing nor pray
She stuck her head in a buttermilk jug and washed her sins away
Fare thee well old Joe Clark...
When I was a little boy, I used to want a knife
Now I am a bigger boy, I only want a wife
Fare thee well old Joe Clark...
When I was a little girl, I used to play with toys
Now I am a bigger girl, I only play with boys
Fare thee well old Joe Clark...
I wish I was a sugar-tree, standing in the middle of town
Every time a pretty girl passed, I'd shake some sugar down
Fare thee well old Joe Clark...
If I had a sweetheart, I'd sit her on the shelf
And every time she smiled at me, I'd get up there myself
Fare thee well old Joe Clark, fare thee well, I'm gone
Fare thee well old Joe Clark, and goodbye Betsy Brown
There's no more whales in the cold grey sea
Iker vile, Iker vile, Iker vile
Writhing to death in agony
Iker vile, Iker vile, Iker vile
No more sounding to harpoons flood
No more glows of bright red blood
There's no more blubber in the cleansing tub
Iker vile, Iker vile, Iker vile
In Norway, Russia, and Japan
Iker vile, Iker vile, Iker vile
There's murder at the hands of man
Iker vile, Iker vile, Iker vile
From Greenland to the coast of Perth
The largest mammal on the earth
is slaughtered before it can give birth
Iker vile, Iker vile, Iker vile
There's no more whales in the early morn
Iker vile, Iker vile, Iker vile
Cruising for crill on the craggy horn
Iker vile, Iker vile, Iker vile
Mammoths with their giant sperm
Knew no fear, so never run
Their fight for life just never begun
Iker vile, Iker vile, Iker vile
The white, the finn, the giant blue
Iker vile, Iker vile, Iker vile
The humpback and the cachalot too
Iker vile, Iker vile, Iker vile
For ambergris and blubber and bones
Where hunted from their ocean homes
And all their fertile breeding zones
Iker vile, Iker vile, Iker vile
I hoped I'd never hear this cry
Iker vile, Iker vile, Iker vile
The last great whale is here to die
Iker vile, Iker vile, Iker vile
Gentle giant of the finn
Forty tons with larger kin
In two hundred years man's finished him
Iker vile, Iker vile, Iker vile
When I was a young man my father did say
The summer 'tis coming, it's time to make hay
But when hay is brought in don't you never fail
To drink your good health with a pint of good ale
Ale, ale, glorious ale
Served up in pewter it tells its own tale
Some folks like radishes, some curly kale
But gives I boiled parsnips and a good dish of 'taters
And a lump of fatty bacon, and a pint of good ale
Now takes them teetotallers as drinks water neat
It must rot their toeses and give them damp feet
But the young men of England well they'll never fail
With boiled beef and carrots and a pint of good ale
Ale, ale, glorious ale
Served up in pewter it tells its own tale
Some folks like radishes, some curly kale
But gives I boiled parsnips and a good dish of 'taters
And a lump of fatty bacon, and a pint of good ale
Our MP's off to parliament, our laws for to keep
And now that we've put 'im there I hopes he don't sleep
But he'll always get my vote if he'll never fail
To bring down the price of a pint of good ale
Ale, ale, glorious ale
Served up in pewter it tells its own tale
Some folks like radishes, some curly kale
But gives I boiled parsnips and a good dish of 'taters
And a lump of fatty bacon, and a pint of good ale
I don't want your millions, Mister
I don't want your diamond ring
All I want is the right to live, Mister
Give me back my job again
I don't want your Rolls Royce, Mister
I don't want your pleasure yacht
All I want is food for my babies
Give to me my old job back
I don't want your millions, Mister...
We worked to build this country, Mister
While you enjoyed a life of ease
You've stolen all that we built, Mister
Now our children starve and freeze
I don't want your millions, Mister...
Think me dumb if you wish, Mister
Call me green or blue or red
This one thing I know for sure, Mister
My hungry children must be fed
I don't want your millions, Mister...
Take the two opposing parties
No difference in them I can see
But with a Farmer Labour party
We could set the people free
So I don't want your millions, Mister
I don't want your diamond ring
All I want is the right to live, Mister
Give me back my job again

Jim Garland

Guitar chords for I Don’t Want Your Millions, Mister

C                               ...C7
I don't want your millions, Mister
        F                 G7sus4, G7
I don't want your diamond ring
      F                          C
All I want is the right to live, Mister
        G7sus4,G7                 C
Give me back             my job a-gain
'Tis a gift to be simple, 'tis a gift to be free
'Tis a gift to come down where we ought to be
And when we are in the place just right
We will be in the valley of love and delight
When true simplicity is gained
To bow and to bend we will not be ashamed
To turn, to turn 'twill be our delight
Till by turning, turning we come out right
I gotta robe, you gotta robe, all God's children gotta robe
When I get to heaven gonna put on my robe
I'm gonna walk all over God's heaven, heaven, heaven
Everybody talking 'bout heaven and goin' there, heaven, heaven
I'm gonna walk all over God's heaven
I got shoes, you got shoes, all God's children got shoes
When I get to heaven gonna put on my shoes
I'm gonna dance all over God's heaven, heaven, heaven
Everybody talking 'bout heaven and goin' there, heaven, heaven
I'm gonna dance all over God's heaven
I gotta song, you gotta song, all God's children gotta song
When I get to heaven gonna sing my song
I'm gonna sing all over God's heaven, heaven, heaven
Everybody talking 'bout heaven and goin' there, heaven, heaven
I'm gonna sing all over God's heaven
I gotta harp, you gotta harp, all God's children gotta harp
When I get to heaven gonna play my harp
I'm gonna walk all over God's heaven, heaven, heaven
Everybody talking 'bout heaven and goin' there, heaven, heaven
I'm gonna play all over God's heaven
I got wings, you got wings, all God's children got wings
When I get to heaven gonna put on my wings
I'm gonna fly all over God's heaven, heaven, heaven
Everybody talking 'bout heaven and goin' there, heaven, heaven
It's in the evening, after dark
The blackleg miner gangs ta wark
In his moleskin pants and dirty shirt
There goes the blackleg miner
He takes his pick and down he goes
To hew the coal that lies below
There's not a woman in this town row
Would look at a blackleg miner
For Deleva is a terrible place
They rub wet clay in a blackleg's face
Around the pits they run a foot race
To catch the blackleg miner
And don't go near the Segal mine
Across the top they've stretched a line
To catch the throat and break the spine
Of the dirty blackleg miner
Well they take his pick and duds as well
And they hurl them down the Pit of Hell
So off you go and fare thee well
You dirty blackleg miner
So join the union while you may
And don't wait till your dying day
For that may not be far away
You dirty blackleg miner

Blackleg is a slang term for a strike breaker

Guitar chords for Blackleg Miner

     Dm             C
It's in the evening after dark
    Dm             Am
The blackleg miner gangs ta wark
       Dm                 C
In his moleskin pants and dirty shirt
      Dm       C        Dm
There goes the Blackleg miner
A soldier and a sailor were walking one day
Said the soldier to the sailor, Let's kneel down and pray
And if we have one prayer may we also have ten
May we have a ruddy litany, said the sailor, Amen
And the first thing we'll pray for we'll pray for some cash
Glory Halleluia, to go on a bash
And if we have one pound may we also have ten
May we have the Bank of England, said the sailor, Amen
And the next thing we'll pray for we'll pray for a wench
Glory Halleluia, may she be French
And if we have one wench may we also have ten
May we have a ruddy harem, said the sailor, Amen
And the next thing we'll pray for we'll pray for our wives
Glory Halleluia, the bane of our lives
And if we have one wife may we also have ten
May they all live in Tipperary, said the sailor, Amen
And the next thing we'll pray for we'll pray for a beer
Glory Halleluia may it give us good cheer
And if we have one beer may we also have ten
May we have a ruddy brewery, said the sailor, Amen
And the next thing we'll pray for we'll pray for the Queen
Glory Halleluia, long may she reign
And if she has one son may she also have ten
May she have a ruddy regiment, said the sailor, Amen
And the next thing we'll pray for we'll pray for the King
A right rotten person to us he has been
And if he has one dose may he also have ten
May he have a ruddy hospital, said the sailor, Amen
And the last thing we'll pray for we'll pray for ourselves
Glory Halleluia and long may we dwell
And if we live one year may we also live ten
May we live to be a thousand, said the sailor, Amen
Ally, bally, ally bally be, 
Sittin' on yer mammy's knee
Greetin' fur a wee bawbee,
Tae buy some Coulter's candy.
Mammy gie me ma thrifty doon 
Here's auld Coulter comin' roon
Wi' a basket on his croon
Sellin' Coulter's candy.
Poor wee Annie's greetin' tae 
Whit can puir wee mammy dae
But gi'em a tanner a `tween the twae
Tae buy mair Coulter's candy.
Ally, bally, ally bally bee, 
When you grow up you'll gae tae sea
Makin' pennies for daddy and me
Tae buy some Coulter's candy.
Poor wee soul, you're lookin' awfu' thin 
A rachle o' bones covered ower wi' skin,
Soon you'll hae a wee, double chin
Fra sookin' Coulter's candy.

* pronounced “Cooters”.