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Morphine Bill and Cocaine Sue
Were walking down 5th Avenue
Singing honey have a (sniff) have a (sniff) on me
Honey have a (sniff) on me
They came to a drugstore painted green
The sign outside said No Morphine
Singing honey have a (sniff)...
They came to a drugstore finished in oak
The sign outside said No More Coke
Singing honey have a (sniff)...
They came to a drugstore painted red
The sign outside said We're All Dead
Singing honey have a (sniff)...
They came to-a drugstore painted blue
The sign outside said We're Dead Too
Singing honey have a (sniff)...
So in the river, side by side
They both committed suicide
Singing honey have a (sniff)...
And in the graveyard on the hill
Lies the body of Morphine Bill
Singing honey have a (sniff)...
And in the graveyard on the side
Lies the body of his Cocaine bride
Singing honey have a (sniff) have a (sniff) on me
Honey have a (sniff) on me
Three jolly coachmen sat in an English tavern (x2) 
And they decided (x3)
To have another flagon.
Come landlord fill the flowing bowl Until it doth run over (x2) 
For tonight we'll merry merry be (x3)
Tomorrow we'll be sober.
Here's to the man drinks water pure And goes to bed quite sober (x2) 
Falls as the leaves do fall (x3)
He'll die before October.
Here's to the man who drinks strong ale 
And goes to bed quite mellow (x2)
Lives as he ought to live (x3)
And dies a jolly good fellow.
Here's to the maid who steals a kiss 
And runs to tell her mother (x2)
She's a foolish, foolish thing (x3)
She'll never get another.
Here's to the maid who steals a kiss 
And comes back for another (x2)
She's a boon for all mankind (x3)
She'll very soon be a mother.
Where have you been all the day, Henry my son?
Where have you been all the day, my beloved one?
In the churchyard, in the churchyard
Oh make my bed, I've a pain in my head
And I want to lie down and die
What have you been eating, Henry my son?
What have you been eating, my beloved one?
Poison berries, poison berries
Oh make my bed, I've a pain in my head
And I want to lie down and die
Who gave you those berries, Henry my son?
Who gave you those berries, my beloved one?
My sister, my sister
Oh make my bed, I've a pain in my head
And I want to lie down and die
What colour were those berries, Henry my son?
What colour were those berries, my beloved one?
Red and yellow, red and yellow
Oh make my bed, I've a pain in my head
And I want to lie down and die
What will you leave your father, Henry my son?
What will you leave your father, my beloved one?
Watch and chain, watch and chain
Oh make my bed, I've a pain in my head
And I want to lie down and die
What will you leave your mother, Henry my son?
What will you leave your mother, my beloved one?
Keys to heaven, keys to heaven
Oh make my bed, I've a pain in my head
And I want to lie down and die
What will you leave your sister, Henry my son
What will you leave your sister, my beloved one?
Knives to stab her, chains to bind her
Oh make my bed, I've a pain in my head
And I want to lie down and die


Where have you been all the day 'Enry?
Where have you been all the day, my son?
Where have you been all the day, my own currant bun?
In the woods, Muvver, in the woods, Muvver
O make my bed quick 'cos I'm feeling very sick
And I wanna lay down and die
What did you do in them woods, 'Enry?
What did you do in them woods, my son?
What did you do in them woods, my own currant bun?
Ett, Muvver, ett, Muvver
O make my bed quick 'cos I'm feeling very sick
And I wanna lay down and die
What you eat in them woods, 'Enry?
What you eat in them woods, my son?
What you eat in them woods, my own currant bun?
Eels, Muvver, eels, Muvver
O make my bed quick 'cos I'm feeling very sick
And I wanna lay down and die
An old man came courting me, hey ding dorum da
An old man came courting me, me being young
An old man came courting me, fain would he marry me
Maids when you're young never wed an old man
'Cause he's lost his fallorum fal diddle di-orum
He's lost his fallorum fal diddle di-ay
He's lost his fallorum he's got no ding dorum
Oh maids when you're young never wed an old man
When we went to church, hey ding dorum day
When we went to church, me being young
When we went to church, he left me in the lurch
Maids when you're young never wed an old man
'Cause he's lost his fallorum...
When we went to bed, hey ding dorum day
When we went to bed, me being young
When we went to bed, he lay like he was dead
Maids when you're young never wed an old man
'Cause he's lost his fallorum...
I threw me leg over him, hey ding dorum day
I threw me leg over him,
I threw me leg over him, damn near did smother him
Maids when you're young never wed an old man
'Cause he's lost his fallorum...
When he went to sleep, hey ding dorum day
When he went to sleep, me being young
When he went to sleep, out of bed I did leap
Into the arms of a handsome young man
And he's got me fallorum fal diddle di-orum 
He's got me fallorum fal diddle di-ay
He's got-me fallorum I found his ding dorum
Oh maids when you're young never wed an old man
Michael row the boat ashore, Alleluia
Michael row the boat ashore, Alleluia
Sister help to trim the sail, Alleluia
Sister help to trim the sail, Alleluia
River Jordan is deep and wide, Alleluia
Milk and honey on the other side, Alleluia
River Jordan is chilly and cold, Alleluia
Chills the body, but not the soul, Alleluia
As I was sitting with jug and spoon
One fine morning in the month of June
A birdie sat on an ivy bunch
And the song he sang was a jug of punch
Toora loora loo, Toora loora loo
Toora loora loo, Toora loora loo
A birdie sat on an ivy bunch
And the song he sang was a jug of punch
What more diversion can a man desire
Than to court a maid by an ale house fire?
With Kerry Pippin to crack and crunch
Aye, and on the table a jug of punch
Toora loora loo, Toora loora loo
Toora loora loo, Toora loora loo
A birdie sat on an ivy bunch
And the song he sang was a jug of punch
The learned doctors with all their art
Cannot cure depression that's on the heart
Even the cripple forgets his hunch
When he's safe outside of a jug of punch
Toora loora loo, Toora loora loo
Toora loora loo, Toora loora loo
A birdie sat on an ivy bunch
And the song he sang was a jug of punch
And when I'm dead and in my grave
No costly tombstone will I crave
Just lay me down in my native peat
With a jug of punch at my head and feet

Guitar chords for Jug of Punch

As I was sitting with jug and spoon
         E              A
One fine morning in the month of June
A birdie sat on an ivy bunch
        E                         A
And the song he sang was a jug of punch
E     A          
Toora loora loo, Toora loora loo
      E                A
Toora loora loo, Toora loora loo
A birdie sat on an ivy bunch
        E                         A
And the song he sang was a jug of punch
I am a tower of strength within and without
I am a tower of strength within
I am a tower of strength within and without
I am a tower of strength within
I let all burdens fall from my shoulders
All anxieties slip from my mind
I let all burdens fall from my shoulders
All anxieties slip from my mind
I let every shackle be loose, I
Let every shackle be loose
I let every shackle be loose, I
Let every shackle be loose
A la clair fontaine, m'en allant promener
J'ai trouver l'eau si claire, Que je m'y suis baigne Il y a longtemps que je t'aime, Jamais je ne t'oublierais
Sous les feuilles d'un chene, Je me suis fait seche
Sur la plus haute branche un ressignol chantait
J'ai perdu mon amie, Sans l'avoir merite
Pour un bouquet de rosec, Que je lui refusais
My name is Jock Stewart and I'm a canny young man
And a rambling young fellow I've been
So be easy and free when you're drinking with me
I'm a man you don't meet every day
I've got acres of land, I have men to command
And I've always a shilling to spare
So be easy and free when you're drinking with me
I'm a man you don't meet every day
Come fill up your glasses of brandy or wine
And whatever the cost I will pay
So be easy and free when you're drinking with me
I'm a man you don't meet every day
I take out my dog and with him I do shoot
All by the River Kildare
So be easy and free when you're drinking with me
I'm a man you don't meet every day
Come fill up your glasses of brandy or wine
And whatever the cost I will pay
So be easy and free when you're drinking with me
I'm a man you don't meet every day

Guitar chords for Jock Stewart

   C            G                 C           F
My name is Jock Stewart and I'm a canny young man
      C              G7          C      G7
And a rambling young fellow I've bee-n, so be
C        G                C             F
Easy and free when you're drinking with me, I'm a
C             G7         C
Man you don't meet every-day
        C            G7         C         F
So come fill up your glasses of brandy or wine
    C        G7          C  G7
Whatever the cost I will pa-y
      C        G7               C             F
So be easy and free when you're drinking with me
      C             G7         C
I'm a man you don't meet every-day
I went to the animal fair 
The birds and the beasts were there
The big baboon by the light of the moon
Was combing his auburn hair
The monkey fell out of his bunk
And slid down the elephant's trunk
The elephant sneezed and fell on its knees
And what became of the monkey?