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Oh Shenandoah, I long to hear you
Away you rolling river
Oh Shenandoah, I long to hear you
Away we're bound to go
'Cross the wide Missouri
The white man loved the Indian maiden
Away you rolling river
With notions his canoe was laden
Away we're bound to go
'Cross the wide Missouri
Oh Shenandoah, I love your daughter
Away you rolling river
I'll take her 'cross the rolling water
Away we're bound to go
'Cross the wide Missouri
Oh Shenandoah, I took a notion
Away you rolling river
To sail across the stormy ocean
Away we're bound to go
'Cross the wide Missouri
'Tis seven long years since last I saw her
Away you rolling river
'Tis seven long years the love I've borne her
Away we're bound to go
'Cross the wide Missouri
He sold the chief the fire water
Away you rolling river
And 'cross the river stole his daughter
Away we're bound to go
'Cross the wide Missouri
Oh Shenandoah, I'm bound to leave you
Away you rolling river
Oh Shenandoah, I'll not deceive you
Away we're bound to go
'Cross the wide Missouri
She went away and took another
Away you rolling river
She went away, forsook her lover
Away we're bound to go
'Cross the wide Missouri
Camp fire's burning, camp fire's burning
Draw nearer, draw nearer,
In the gloaming, in the gloaming
Come, sing and be merry.
I've been over Snowdon, I've slept up on Crowdon
I've camped by the Wain Stones as well
I've sunbathed on Kinder, been burned to a cinder
And many more things I can tell
My rucksack has oft been me pillow
The heather has oft been my bed
And sooner than part from the mountains
I think I would rather be dead
I'm a rambler, I'm a rambler from Manchester way
I get all me pleasure the hard moorland way
I may be a wage slave on Monday
But I am a free man on Sunday
The day was just ending as I was descending
By Grimesbrook just by Upper Tor
When a voice cried, Hey you! in the way keepers do
He'd the worst face that ever I saw
The things that he said were unpleasant
In the teeth of his fury I said
Sooner than part from the mountains
I think I would rather be dead
I'm a rambler, I'm a rambler...
I once loved a maid, a spot-welder by trade
She was fair as the rowan in bloom
And the blue of her eye matched the June moorland sky
And I wooed her from April till June
On the day that we should have been married
I went for a ramble instead
For sooner than part from the mountains
I think I would rather be dead
I'm a rambler, I'm a rambler...
So I walk where I will, over mountain and hill
And I'll lie where the bracken is deep
I belong to the mountains, the clear-running fountains
Where the grey rocks rise rugged and steep.
I've seen the white hare in the gully
And the curlew fly high overhead
And sooner than part from the mountains
I think I would rather be dead
I'm a rambler, I'm a rambler from Manchester way
I get all me pleasure the hard moorland way
I may be a wage slave on Monday
But I am a free man on Sunday 
It's a lesson too late for the learning
Made of sand, made of sand
In the wink of an eye my heart is turning
In your hand, in your hand
Are you going away with no word of farewell?
Will there be not a trace left behind?
I could have loved you better, didn't mean to be unkind
You know that was the last thing on my mind
As we walk all my thoughts are a-tumbling
Round and round, round and round
Underneath our feet the subway's rumbling
Underground, underground
Are you going away with no word of farewell?...
As I lie in my bed in the morning
Without you, without you
Every song in my heart dies a-borning
Without you, without you
Are you going away with no word of farewell?...
You have reasons a-plenty for going,
This I know, this I know
For the weeds have been steadily growing,
Please don't go, please don't go
Are you going away with no word of farewell?
Will there be not a trace left behind?
I could have loved you better, didn't mean to be unkind
You know that was the last thing on my mind

Tom Paxton

Guitar chords for Lesson Too Late for the Learning

        G         C            G
It's a lesson too late for the learning,
D       G     ...D        G
Made of sand,     made of sand
                  C               G
In the wink of an eye my heart is turning
D         G    ...D       G  
In your hand,     in your hand
        D                    Am         G
Are you going away with no word of fare-well
           Em       G            D
Will there be not a trace left behind?
  C                            G                 Em
I could have loved you better, didn't mean to be unkind
    G                  D               G
You know that was the last thing on my mind
Children go where I send thee, How shall I send thee?
Well I'm going to send thee one by one,
One for the iddy, biddy, baby that's born, born, born, born,
Born in Bethlehem.
Children go where I send thee, How shall I send thee?
Well I'm going to send thee two by two
Two for the Paul and Silas
One for the iddy, biddy, baby that's born, born, born, born
Born in Bethlehem
Three for the Hebrew children
Four for the four that stood at the door
Five for the five that got out alive
Six for the six that never had a fix
Seven for the seven that never got to Heaven
Eight for the eight that stood at the gate
Nine for the nine that dressed so fine
Ten for the ten commandments

Guitar Chords

Guitar chords for Children go where I send thee:
Children go where I send thee, How shall I send thee?

Well I'm gonna send thee one by one
One for the the iddy, biddy, baby that's born, born, born, born
C       G      C    
Born in Bethlehem
Alas, my Love, you do me wrong
To cast me off discourteously
For I have lovéd you so long
Delighting in your company
Greensleeves was all my joy
Greensleeves was my delight
Greensleeves was my heart of gold
And who but my Lady Greensleeves
I have been ready at your hand
To grant whatever you would crave
I have both wagered life and land
Your love and goodwill for to have
Greensleeves was all my joy
Greensleeves was my delight
Greensleeves was my heart of gold
And who but my Lady Greensleeves
My men were clothed all in green
And they did ever wait on thee
All this was gallant to be seen
And yet thou wouldst not love me
Greensleeves was all my joy
Greensleeves was my delight
Greensleeves was my heart of gold
And who but my Lady Greensleeves
Thou couldst desire no earthly thing
But still thou hadst it readily
Thy music still to play and sing
And yet thou wouldst not love me
Greensleeves was all my joy
Greensleeves was my delight
Greensleeves was my heart of gold
And who but my Lady Greensleeves
Well I will pray to God on high
That thou my constancy may see
And that yet once before I die
Thou wilt vouchsafe to love me
Greensleeves was all my joy
Greensleeves was my delight
Greensleeves was my heart of gold
And who but my Lady Greensleeves
The British police are the best in the world
I don't believe one of those stories I've heard
About them raiding our clubs for no reason at all
Lining the customers up by the wall
Pulling out people, knocking them down
Resisting arrest as they're kicked on the ground
Raiding our houses, calling us queer
I don't believe that sort of thing happens here
Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way
Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way
Pictures of naked young women are fun
In Titbits and Playboy, page three of the Sun
There's no nudes in Gay News, our one magazine
But they still found excuses to call it obscene
Read how disgusting we are in the press
The Telegraph, People and Sunday Express
Molesters of children, corruptors of youth
It's there in the papers..... it must be the truth
Sing if you're glad to be gay ...
And don't try to kid us that if you're discreet
You're perfectly safe as you walk down the street
You don't have to mince or to make bitchy remarks
To get beaten unconscious and left in the dark
I had a friend who was gentle and short
He was lonely one evening, he went for a walk
Queerbashers caught him and kicked in his teeth
He was only hospitalised for a week
Sing if you're glad to be gay ...
And sit back and watch as they close down our clubs
Arrest us for meeting and raid all our pubs
Make sure your boyfriend's at least twenty one
So only your friends and your brothers get done
Lie to your workmates, lie to your folks
Put down the queens, tell anti-queer jokes
Gay Lib's ridiculous, join their laughter
The buggers are legal now... what more are they after?
Sing if you're glad to be gay,
Sing if you're happy that way
Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy this way

Tom Robinson

Guitar chords for Glad to be Gay

INTRO ||: Am / Am+5 / | Am6 / Am+5 / :||
VERSE || Am ///   | Dm ///     | Bm7b5 /// | E7 ///   |
| Am / Am+5 / | Am6 / Am+5 / | Bm7b5 /// | E7 ///   |
| Dm / Dm+7 / | Dm7 / Dm6 /  | Bm7b5 /// | E7 ///   |
| Dm / Dm+7 / | Dm7 / Dm6 /  | Bm7b5 /// | E7 ///   |
TURNAROUND | Am / Am+5 / | Am6,   E7 // ||
|| Am ///     | Dm ///       | G7 ///    | C / E7 / |
|| Am ///     | Dm ///       | Bm7b5 / E7|
TURNAROUND | Am / Am+5 / | Am6,   E7 // ||
Kiss me, Mother, kiss your daughter
Lay my head upon your breast
Throw your loving arms around me
I am weary, let me rest
Seems the light is swiftly fading
Pride or sins they do now show
I am standing by the river
Angels wait to take me home
Kiss me, Mother, kiss your daughter
See the pain upon my brow
While you'll soon be with the angels
Fate has doomed my future now
Through the years you've always loved me
And my life you've tried to save
But now I shall slumber sweetly
In a deep and lonely grave
Kiss me, Mother, kiss your daughter
Lay my head upon your breast
Throw your loving arms around me
I am weary, let me rest
I am weary, let me rest

Pete Roberts

How many roads must a man walk down
before you call him a man?
How many seas must a white dove sail
before she sleeps in the sand?
How many times must the cannon balls fly
before they're forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind
How many times can a man look up
before he can see the sky?
How many ears must one man have
before he can hear people cry?
How many deaths will it take till he knows
that too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind
How many years can a mountain exist
before it is washed to the sea?
How many years can some people exist
before they're allowed to be free?
How many times can a man turn his head
pretending that he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind

Bob Dylan

Guitar chords for Blowin’ in the Wind

C        F            C      
How many roads must a man walk down
           F         G
Before you call him a man?
C        F           C
How many seas must a white dove sail
           F             G
Before she sleeps in the sand?
C        F              C
How many times must the cannon balls fly
               F       G 
Before they're forever banned?
    F         G          C              Am
The answer my friend, is blowin' in the wind
    F         G              C 
The answer is blowin' in the wind
I got an old mule and her name is Sal
Fifteen years on the Erie Canal
She's a good worker and a good old pal
Sixteen miles on the Erie Canal
We've hauled some barges in our day
Full of lumber and coal and hay
And we know every inch of the way
From Albany to Buffalo
Low bridge, everybody down
Low bridge for we're coming to a town
And you'll always know your neighbour
You'll always know your pal
If you've ever navigated on the Erie Canal
We'd better get along on our way old gal
Fifteen years on the Erie Canal
'Cause you bet your life I'd never part with Sal
Fifteen miles on the Erie Canal
Get up there, mule, here comes a lock
We'll make Rome 'bout six o'clock
One more trip and back we go
Right back home to Buffalo
Low bridge, everybody down
Low bridge for we're coming to a town
And you'll always know your neighbour
You'll always know your pal
If you've ever navigated on the Erie Canal

Guitar chords for Erie Canal

Dm                         Gm      Dm
I got an old mule, and her name is Sal
Fifteen years on the Eirie canal
Dm                         Gm       Dm
She's  a good worker and a good old pal
                     A7    Dm
Sixteen miles on the Eirie canal
      F                         C7
We've hauled some barges in our day
Dm                      A7
Full of lumber coal and hay
    Dm            Gm          Dm
And we know every inch of the way
               A7     Dm, C7
From Albany to Buffalo-    o
F                     C7
Low bridge, everybody down
F                    Dm       A7   Dm
Low bridge for we're coming to a town
           F                C7
And you'll always know your neighbour
       F                C7
You'll always know your pal
          F         Bb           Dm    A7 Dm, A7
If you've ever navi-gated on the Eirie ca-na-   l