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Look up the words of that song you sang at camp, or browse through some new ones. As our archive of material increases, we will include old songs from FSC’s past, as well as new additions to our repertoire.

Many of our old songbooks are now digitised and archived on the Glee UK FSC Songbook Archive.

Take a look at the list of all of our songs or just the rounds and cyclic songs or search:


On Virtual Campfire you can find recordings from camps of songs from the songbook. There are a load of songs sung on Glee Camp 2016 on this Soundcloud page.

If you want to learn songs in the comfort of your own home, then here’s a Spotify Playlist of a lot of FSC songs. Please contact Joe Martin if you find any that you think should be added.

And to get you moving, see the FSC Dance Music for country dancing recordings with the manual of moves.

Regional Glee Groups

If that’s simply not enough and you wish to sing with others when not on camp, there are regional glee groups who meet to sing outside camp.

Glee Camp

A weekend in October dedicated to Glee (music and singing), usually held at FSC’s stores in Haddenham, near Ely in Cambridgeshire. See Glee Camp for more information.







































Below are links to MP3s of the new and old FSC dance music as heard and skipped about to at camp.

All files are MP3 sampled at 32 kbits/sec Mono.CD quality tracks of the new dance CD available at cost from Lorna Kennedy for members of FSC staff and campers only.

Please note that all music on this site, and supplied on CD is copyright, and is available for personal use, or use at FSC events only.

Dance Music Manual

The Dance Music Manual describes how to call the dance moves to some of the dances below. You can download it here.

New FSC Dance CD

  1. La Russe
  2. Aunt Hessie’s White Horse
  3. Bridge of Athlone
  4. Circassian Circle
  5. Cumberland Square Eight
  6. Flying Scotsman
  7. Gay Gordons
  8. Jack’s the Lad
  9. Maggie Mixer
  10. Nottingham Swing
  11. Oxo Reel
  12. Pat-a-cake Polka
  13. Borrowdale Exchange
  14. Sheep’s Hill
  15. Steamboat
  16. Willow Tree
  17. Dashing White Sergeant
  18. Circle Waltz
  19. Waltz Country Dance
  20. Black Nag
  21. Alunelul
  22. Chekassia

Musicians: Jon Boden fiddle, concertina; Tim van Eyken melodeons; Benji Kirkpatrick guitar, bouzouki; Lindsey Kennedy harmonium.

Recording Jack Sloan & Nomad Recording
Masterminded by Lorna Kennedy May 2005

Woodley Yeomen Dance Music

Musicians: Ian Graham, accordion; John Roberts, fiddle; Malcolm Clarke, guitar; Harry Elliott, double bass; Fergus Laidlaw, drums. Recorded at South Hill Park Arts Centre Studio, Bracknell, circa 1975

My Johnny was a shoemaker
And dearly he loved me
My Johnny was a shoemaker
But now he's gone to sea
With pitch and tar to soil his hands
And to sail across the sea, stormy sea
And sail across the stormy sea
His jacket was a deep sky blue
And curly was his hair
His jacket was a deep sky blue
It was I do declare
For to reef the topsails up against the mast
And to sail across the sea, stormy sea
And sail across the stormy sea
Some day he'll be a captain bold
With a brave and gallant crew
Some day he'll be a captain bold
With a sword and spyglass too
And when he has his gallant captain's sword
He'll come home and marry me, marry me
He'll come home and marry me
I've travelled round this country
From shore to shining shore
It really makes me wonder
The things I heard and saw
I saw the weary farmer
Ploughing sod and loam
I heard the auction hammer
Just a-knocking down their home
But the banks are made of marble
With a guard at every door
And the vaults are stuffed with silver
That the farmer sweated for
I saw the seamen standing
Idly by the shore
I heard the bosses saying
Got no work for you no more
I've seen the weary miners
Scrubbing coal dust from their backs
And I heard their children crying
Got no coal to heat the shack
My brothers and my sisters
Are at work throughout this land
I pray we'll get together
And together make a stand

Pete Seeger

There was a wild colonial boy
Jack Duggan was his name
He was born and raised in Ireland
In place called Castelmaine
He was his father's only son
His mother's pride and joy
And dearly did his parents love
Their wild colonial boy
At the early age of sixteen years
He left his native home
And to Australia's sunny shore
He was inclined to roam
He robbed the rich, he helped the poor
And shot James McAvoy
A terror to Australia was
The wild colonial boy
One morning on the prairie
As Jack he rode along
Listening to the mocking bird
Singing a cheerful song,
Out stepped a band of troopers
Kelly, Davis and Fitzroy
They all set out to capture him
The wild colonial boy
Surrender now Jack Duggan
For you see we're three to one
Surrender in the Queen's high name
For you're a plundering son
Jack drew three pistols from his belt
And proudly held them high
I'll fight but not surrender
Said the wild colonial boy.
He fired a shot at Kelly
Which brought him to the ground
He fired point blank at Davis too
Who fell dead at the sound
But a bullet pierced his brave young heart
From the pistol of Fitzroy
And that is how they captured him
The wild colonial boy