Below are the list of Evidence Checkers and their approximate location. For full address, click on their name which will take you to the staff address book.
General principles
As an organisation using the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checking service to help assess the suitability of applicants for positions of trust, Forest School Camps complies fully with the Code of Practice regarding the correct handling, use, storage, retention and disposal of certificates and certificate information. It also complies fully with its obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998 and other relevant legislation pertaining to the safe handling, use, storage, retention and disposal of certificate information and has a written policy on these matters, which is available to those who wish to see it on request.
Storage and access
Forest School Camps shall endeavor not to retain physical copies of DBS certificates for any period of time. Both physical and digital copies of a certificate will only be held until which point a member of staffing committee is able to review the data and log an overview on the staff database. Access to this information will be strictly controlled and limited to those who are entitled to see it as part of their duties.
In accordance with section 124 of the Police Act 1997, certificate information is only passed to those who are authorised to receive it in the course of their duties. We maintain a record of all those to whom certificates or certificate information has been revealed and it is a criminal offence to pass this information to anyone who is not entitled to receive it.
Certificate information is only used for the specific purpose for which it was requested (verification of applicant’s suitability to look after children and adults) and for which the applicant’s full consent has been given.
Once a recruitment (or other relevant) decision has been made, we do not keep specific certificate information for any longer than is necessary. This is generally for a period of up to six months, to allow for the consideration and resolution of any disputes or complaints.
If, in very exceptional circumstances, it is considered necessary to keep certificate information for longer than six months, we will consult the DBS about this and will give full consideration to the Data Protection and Human Rights of the individual before doing so. Throughout this time, the usual conditions regarding the safe storage and strictly controlled access will prevail.
Once the retention period has elapsed, we will ensure that any DBS certificate information is immediately destroyed by secure means, i.e. by shredding, pulping or burning. While awaiting destruction, certificate information will not be kept in any insecure receptacle (e.g. waste bin or confidential waste sack). We will not keep any photocopy or other image of the certificate or any copy or representation of the contents of a certificate. However, not withstanding the above, we may keep a record of the date of issue of a certificate, the name of the subject, the type of certificate requested, the position for which the certificate was requested, the unique reference number of the certificates and the details of the recruitment decision taken.
Policy produced and agreed by Staffing Committee, October 2016
As part of the ongoing care and safeguarding of the children and adults we take on camp Forest School Camps requires all staff to have completed an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check for children and adults before volunteering as a staff member on our camps.
FSC follows the published Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) code of practice available at:
All staff on our camps are required to have a DBS (or CRB) check that is less than 3 years old at the time of the camp.
FSC aims to have all staff registered with the DBS update service so we can re-check their DBS status on a regular basis.
Anyone identified as being included in the Children’s Barred List or the Adults’ Barred List will not be permitted to attend any of our camps or have any role within the organisation:
Other criminal offences will not necessarily exclude a person from being a member of staff. For example, a non-violent public order offence that occurred during direct political action would not, on its own, exclude someone from being a member of staff.
FSC will follow the guidance issued by NACRO in assessing whether past offences mean a person is unsuitable to be a member of staff:
Offences will initially be considered by the FSC DBS lead countersignatory, the FSC Staffing Secretary and two other nominated members of the staffing committee. Legal expertise may be sought to clarify the nature of offences. If we have any concerns, the individual (potential) staff member will be contacted and the concerns discussed. The final decision about whether a person is permitted to staff will be made jointly by the Staffing Secretary, and the DBS Lead Countersignatory. Any appeals to this decision should be made to the chair of FSC.
Policy produced and agreed by Staffing Committee and Council, October 2016
As part of the ongoing care and safeguarding of the children we take on camp Forest School Camps requires all staff to have completed a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check before looking after children. FSC will register staff with the DBS update service so we can verify their DBS status on a regular basis.Staff members applying for a DBS check can find instructions here, the contact details for Evidence Checkers here, and our FAQ here
Further information about DBS checks is also available from: the DBS
Information on FSC’s policies on criminal offences and Disclosure and Barring Checks, and secure storage, handling, use, retention and disposal of Disclosure and Barring information are available via the links below:
Staff with questions on the application process are asked to check all the documentation and websites above. If these do not answer your question please email
Blue skies
Staffing Committee
Please read this document and all its steps carefully before proceeding. Having an up-to-date FSC DBS check is one important part of safeguarding the children and vulnerable adults on our camps. It is essential that any adult attending an FSC camp has a verified certificate (this does not include adults in our care). Certificates take up to 16 weeks to be processed so start early!
FSC will register all applicants with the DBS update service when we process your form. This will enable us to run update checks in the future and you will not have to complete a new DBS application every 3 years. As part of this process you will have a unique ID that FSC will record for your information on your entry in the staff database. FSC will use this ID to check your DBS status. If you do not want us to register you for the update service please email before you complete your form. By signing the DBS form you are consenting to this information being stored on the FSC staff database.
Once you have applied, the details will be in your FSC Account. You can check the progress of your application on the DBS website.
You must send a copy of your DBS certificate to FSC to complete your DBS check. Once you get your certificate, you and only you know the result. Details of how to do this are given at the end of this document.
For further information about how the process works, please see the DBS Code of Practice:
Summary of how to complete an FSC DBS check
- Step One – Arrange to meet an evidence checker, get your documents and envelope ready and agree to the Privacy Policy
- Step Two – Complete the DBS application form with an Evidence Checker
- Step Three – Receive your DBS Certificate in the post
- Step Four – Send a copy of your certificate to FSC
Full details about how to complete your FSC DBS check
Step One: Arrange to meet an evidence checker, AGREE TO THE PRIVACY POLICY and get your documents and envelope ready
1a) Arrange to meet an Evidence Checker
You need to contact the evidence checker and arrange a time that you can visit them with your proof of ID and fill out the form. Evidence Checkers’ contact details are available on this website here.
FSC will try to ensure that there is an Evidence Checker present at all major FSC events – e.g. council meetings, Haddenham and pre-camps meetings – they may have blank forms, so it may be worth taking documents along just in case. Alternatively, you may arrange to meet one of the Evidence Checkers at their home, or any other place that is mutually convenient. Please note that it is your responsibility to have your documents checked, and that this may require special effort on your part
The Evidence Checkers have blank DBS forms for you to complete.
1b) Read and Agree with the DBS Privacy Policy and FSC’s DBS and Data Storage Policies
It is essential that, before signing your DBS form, you have read and agreed the following documents:
- The Standard/Enhanced Check Privacy Policy for applicants. Available at
- FSC’s policy on criminal offences and Disclosure and Barring Checks. Available at:
- FSC’s policy on secure storage, handling, use, retention and disposal of Disclosure and Barring information. Available at:
Please confirm that you have read and accepted these documents by completing the Google Form at, otherwise your application will not be processed.
1c) Prepare the documents and envelope you need to take when you visit the Evidence Checker
When you visit the evidence checker you must take the following with you:
- An unaddressed envelope with a stamp on it. Please do not use A4 envelopes as there are often problems with insufficient postage causing delays or even non-delivery.
- Your National Insurance number
- Your passport (if you have one)
- Your driving licence (if you have one, even if it is provisional)
- Additional documents – see information in the section below to work out what other documents you need
Additional Documents
You will need to take additional documents along when visiting the evidence checker. There are two different “routes” (combinations of documents) which you can take with you:
Route 1:
- 1 document from Group 1, below
- 2 further documents from either Group 1 or Group 2a or 2b, below
OR Route 3:
- A birth certificate issued after the time of birth (UK and Channel Islands)
- 1 document from Group 2a
- 3 further documents from Group 2a or 2b
At least one of the documents must show your current address.
Please note: route 2 cannot be used by FSC
See the DBS document list for the latest information
Group 1 – Primary Identity Documents
Document | Notes |
Passport | Any current and valid passport |
Biometric residence permit | UK |
Current driving licence photocard | UK / Isle of Man / Channel Islands / EEA (full or provisional) |
Birth certificate – issued within 12 months of birth | UK and Channel Islands – including those issued by UK authorities overseas, e.g. Embassies, High Commissions and HM Forces |
Adoption certificate | UK and Channel Islands |
All driving licences and passports must be valid (in date)
Group 2a – Trusted Government Documents
Document | Notes |
Current driving licence – old style paper version | UK / Isle of Man / Channel Islands / EEA |
Current photo driving licence | Non-UK licences must be valid |
Birth certificate – issued after time of birth | UK, Isle of Man and Channel Islands |
Marriage/civil partnership certificate | UK and Channel Islands |
HM Forces ID card | UK |
Firearms licence | UK, Isle of Man and Channel Islands |
All driving licences must be valid (in date)
Group 2b – Financial and Social History Documents
Note: we cannot accept documentation printed from the internet (e.g. internet bank statements)
Document | Notes | Issue date and validity |
Mortgage statement | UK or EEA | Issued in last 12 months |
Bank or building society statement | UK and Channel Islands or EEA | Issued in last 3 months |
Bank or building society account opening confirmation letter | UK | Issued in last 3 months |
Credit card statement | UK or EEA | Issued in last 3 months |
Financial statement, e.g. pension or endowment | UK | Issued in last 12 months |
P45 or P60 statement | UK and Channel Islands | Issued in last 12 months |
Council Tax statement | UK and Channel Islands | Issued in last 12 months |
Letter of sponsorship from future employment provider | Non-UK or non-EEA only – valid only for applicants residing outside of the UK at time of application | Must still be valid |
Utility bill | UK – not mobile telephone bill | Issued in last 3 months |
Benefit statement, e.g. Child Benefit, Pension | UK | Issued in last 3 months |
Central or local government, government agency, or local council document giving entitlement, e.g. from Department from Work & Pensions, Employment Service, HMRC | UK and Channel Islands | Issued in last 3 months |
EEA National ID card | – | Must still be valid |
Cards carrying the PASS accreditation logo | UK and Channel Islands | Must still be valid |
Letter from Head Teacher or College Principal | UK – for 16 to 19 year olds in full time education – only used in exceptional circumstances if other documents cannot be provided | Must still be valid |
Step Two – Complete the DBS application form with an evidence checker
The DBS are incredibly pedantic and you need to follow their instructions precisely. The full instructions are on the DBS Website
Evidence checkers will help with filling in the form. A few key points below:
Contact Details
Please enter your email address and phone number in questions 18 & 19: although not compulsory it helps with possible queries
If you run out of space, additional sheets can be printed for free from: the DBS website
Please make sure you include all addresses you have lived at during the last 5 years. If you have had more than two previous addresses in the last 5 years, you will need to list the other addresses on a continuation sheet. These can be printed for free from: the DBS website.
Any extra sheets need to include your name and application number from the form but do not sign this sheet. Dates should be given in month/year format for address history.
Please make sure there are NO GAPS in your address history. Overlapping dates are fine.
Example 1 – Correct
- Address One: From 03/2008 to 06/2009
- Address Two: From 06/2009 to 07/2010
- This set of dates is fine and will be accepted because overlap month is the same, namely 06/2009
Example 2 – Incorrect
- Address One: From 03/2008 to 06/2009
- Address Two: From 07/2009 to 07/2010
- This set of dates suggests a possible gap between 1st June 2009 and 31 July 2009 and will result in the form being rejected for this reason
Students, those who frequently travel with work or are employed as medical staff and live in accommodation may have a permanent address which they think of as home (e.g. a family home or parents’ house where they normally live when not away, for example during an academic year). In these cases the DBS can use the permanent address to fill any gaps in address history provided a full five year period has been supplied (i.e. the permanent address goes back at least 5 years).
For people who live overseas or have complicated address histories there is additional guidance on the DBS website
We suggest you read through all of this in detail. Please contact us with any queries at
Previous offences, question 55.
This is confusing for everyone. If you have no previous offences, please just tick no. If you have any previous criminal convictions, please read the DBS guidance on the DBS website.
Leave the completed form with the Evidence checker. They will send your form to the FSC DBS team for processing in the Stamped Addressed Envelope you supplied Your entry in the FSC address book will show when your form has been sent to the DBS.
You can check the progress of your application at:
Step Three – Receive your DBS Certificate in the post
You, and only you, will be sent your DBS certificate through the post. FSC does not know what it says and will not have the certificate number. Therefore until a copy of your certificate has been seen by a countersignatory you cannot camp with FSC.
You should receive your certificate within 12 weeks but it can be even longer.
Step Four – Send a copy of your certificate to FSC
You need to email a scan or photograph of the DBS Certificate to FSC. Please make sure the certificate number and any offences are clearly visible in the photo, scan or copy.
- E-mail it to: It will be held on an email system until your certificate number is recorded on your entry on the staff database and any offences recorded have been considered by staffing committee. Once this is complete the email will be deleted.
- If you are new to FSC applying to train as staff, please also send a copy to the New Staff organiser at
Once your certificate number is recorded on your staff record, the copy of your certificate will be destroyed.
Blue Skies!
Complete instructions for completing your FSC DBS check are available here.
If you read this document carefully, all your questions should be answered. In addition, you may find the official DBS instructions helpful
- What is a DBS application form, a DBS certificate and a DBS check?
- Who needs to apply for a DBS certificate?
- What level of disclosure do I require?
- Can FSC use a DBS certificate I have from another organisation?
- Do I need to present original documents to the evidence checkers?
- Can I post my documents to the evidence checker, rather than meeting in person?
- Who can I get to check my documents?
- What documents do I need to produce?
- There does not appear to be an evidence checker near me. What do I do?
- DBS advice to FSC staff living, or who have lived, overseas
- What do I do with my disclosure certificate when it arrives?
- I have received an email from DBS that says ‘your subscription is due’. What should I do?
- I have another question which is not answered here. What should I do?
What is a DBS application form, a DBS certificate and a DBS check?
- DBS Application Form
This is a purple and yellow, normally folded in half, A3 piece of paper printed by the DBS with a unique application reference number. Evidence checkers have forms and you will be asked to complete one when you arrange to show your documents. - DBS certificate
When all the checking by the Evidence Checker, the FSC DBS crew, and the DBS has been completed, you (and only you) will be sent a DBS certificate with the result of the check at the time the certificate was generated. - DBS check
As the information on the DBS certificate is only known to be true at the time it is generated, organisations need to check from time to time whether the DBS have some new information relating to the certificate holder. The update service allows the organisation to make such a check online. The DBS do not specify how frequent the checks should be, but FSC has adopted the generally accepted period of three years.
Who needs to apply for a DBS certificate?
To staff on a camp, FSC MUST have performed a DBS check within the last 3 years.
Existing FSC staff
If you have a DBS certificate which has been checked by FSC and are registered with the DBS update service, FSC will make online checks as required. Otherwise, you should apply for a new DBS certificate now as checks can take a long time, and you never know when you might want to staff.
You can see the date of your latest DBS check (“DBS / CRB date”), your certificate number (“DBS Certificate Number”), and whether you are registered with the update service (“DBS Update ID”) in your staff address book entry. If your DBS/CRB date is more than two years old, please sort it out: if you are registered with the update service asking to be re-checked; if not, apply for a new DBS certificate.
Ex-pathfinders who are planning to staff
You need to apply for a DBS certificate through FSC. You will not be able to staff on camp until FSC has received a copy of your DBS certificate and cleared you to staff.
New to FSC Staff Members
You need to apply for a DBS certificate through FSC. You will not be able to train until FSC has received a copy of your DBS certificate and cleared you to staff.
What level of disclosure do I require?
Because we are looking after children and adults, all staff require an “enhanced” level disclosure, which includes checking your name against the Barring lists for working with children and adults.
Can FSC use a DBS certificate I have from another organisation?
The clear guidance from the DBS is that due to the central importance of identity checking, we should not accept DBS certificates obtained via other organisations, even if the applicant is registered for the update service. However, for existing FSC staff only, we made exceptions, with two particular points to note:
- The DBS check MUST be enhanced and cover both adults and children (many DBS checks undertaken by employers only cover one of these categories). To see if this is true for your DBS check, look at your certificate. There are two boxes:
- DBS children’s barred list information
- DBS adult barred list information
If your DBS certificate does not cover one of these categories, it will say “Not requested“ - You are registered with the update service so that FSC can check your status in subsequent years without having to repeat the whole DBS check. You will know you are registered because you will have a DBS update identification number and you will be able to login at
If you have an enhanced check covering both adults and children that is less than three years old, and you are registered with the update service, then email a photo or scan of your certificate AND your DBS update identification number to: or post a photocopy and a note of your update ID number to: FSC DBS, 36 Yarnfield Square, London, SE15 5JD (please do not use recorded post or special delivery and please do not use A4 envelopes)
Do I need to present original documents to the evidence checkers?
YES, you need to present original documents to the document checkers. Copies are not acceptable.
Can I post my documents to the evidence checker, rather than meeting in person?
NO, you must present your documents in person to the evidence checker.
Who can I get to check my documents?
The full list of evidence checkers who can check your documents is on the Evidence Checker’s page
What documents do I need to produce?
These are listed in the instruction document, and on the disclosure website in the instructions to applicants. One of these documents should demonstrate your current address as entered on the completed form.
There does not appear to be an evidence checker near me. What do I do?
FSC will be making evidence checkers available for you at all major FSC events (council meetings, pre-camps meetings, Haddenham stores). You are welcome to attend one of these in order to get your documents checked. It is ultimately your responsibility to ensure that your application is completed fully, and this includes having your documents checked. It may be necessary to make a special journey to your nearest evidence checker. If this is problematic please e-mail
DBS advice to FSC staff living, or who have lived, overseas
- If you have lived in the UK when you were aged 10 or over you need to apply for a UK DBS check even if you are now abroad. The reason for the odd age cut-off is because 10 years and upwards is when people in the UK can be convicted of criminal offences.
How to apply for a DBS from overseas is explained at:
We suggest you read through all of this in detail. Please then contact us directly with any queries at: - If you have lived overseas in the last 5 years, please see . We suggest you read through all of this in detail. The main relevant section is “8 Overseas”. Note that contrary to the information on the application form and elsewhere, if you are currently living overseas, you should NOT put your own current address in section b, but should put the “DBS Forms” address as listed below. Please contact us with any queries at
What do I do with my disclosure certificate when it arrives?
You must send a copy of your certificate to FSC before you camp. You can email a photograph or scan to or post a photocopy to DBS Forms, 36 Yarnfield Square, London, SE15 5JD
If you are new to FSC applying to train as staff, please email a scan / photo of your certificate to the new to FSC organiser at or post a copy to them at the address given in the initial documents you were sent describing how to apply to train with FSC. Please do not use recorded or special delivery and please avoid large A4 envelopes
I have received an email from DBS that says ‘your subscription is due’. What should I do?
Your certificate and subscription to the update service are free of charge as they are for voluntary work. You do not need to pay to continue your subscription. It is likely that you will not need to take any action, but we cannot anticipate everything DBS might ask in the future. Therefore please read any communication from DBS, and if you think you may need to do something about your update subscription, please contact the DBS or the FSC DBS crew at
I have another question which is not answered here. What should I do?
Please read the completion instructions , which are comprehensive, and should include all the necessary details. If after re-reading them you still have a remaining query, please email explaining your query.